Things Don't Always Go As Planned


That is how you might feel sometimes...... but you have to let the frustration become fuel for your fire to keep going. If not it will consume you. 

For the past couple of weeks I have had an idea burning in my skull for a new painting ... however getting what is up there to come on out, has not been so easy! In fact after looking at my color tests this morning I’m beginning to think selling a glass of water to a drowning man would be easier. No... Wait... that is putting it way too lightly...

I could just walk away and shelve the idea... right. Who would know? Who would care? Does it matter?

I would know and I care. 

So instead of letting the fire of frustration consume me, I have to choose to use it. 

Each set back is a new opportunity to learn what did not work. When I was little my dad told me a story about Thomas Edison. After about 1000 failures trying to invent the light bulb someone asked him why not give up? Especially since he had such poor results.

Edison's  response; 

 So as you make your way through the day consider this. Each misstep, each falter, every hindrance and stumble are just moments to ponder. So gather your resolve and remember what you really want to achieve.

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